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Cobar Business Association

There is one business organisation in Cobar:

The Cobar Business Association aims to assist businesses by providing up to date business information, assisting in the provision of training, and organising business promotion activities, such as the annual business awards and shop local campaigns.

Cobar Shire Council supports the organisation in a bid to promote a healthy, diverse business community for the Shire. 

Cobar Business Association

The Cobar Business Association (CBA) aims to encourage Cobar residents to shop locally and to improve the skills and knowledge of business owners through the provision of information, training and courses. Cobar Shire Council supports the CBA. Cobar Shire Council also provides administrative assistance with the Cobar Quids project.

The CBA is open to all Cobar businesses. The Association is run by a voluntary committee and is always seeking new steering committee members and ideas/suggestions to assist their members. For more information, contact one of the committee members listed below, or see the September issue of the Newsletter for a renewal of membership to the Cobar Business Association. Cobar Quids The Cobar Quids have been in use since 2003, as an initiative of the Cobar Business Association Inc (CBA), to encourage Cobar residents to “shop locally”.

A Cobar Quid is a minted medallion with a face value, to be exchanged for goods and services at a participating local business. It was established with the approval of the Australian Mint, and operates within guidelines set down by them at the time of its inception. CBA “sells” Quids to organisations. The majority of Quids are used by the clubs, pubs, mines, schools and community organisations as prizes or incentives. The recipients then use the Quids to purchase goods and services within Cobar. The businesses can then redeem the Quids for cash. They can only be spent in Cobar. Individuals cannot redeemed them for cash, only businesses.

They come in denominations with face values of $5, $10, $25 and $50. Cobar Shire Council supports the Cobar Quids project by providing administration of the Quids. Cobar Shire Council holds a store of Quids and does the banking for the CBA. Organisations that wish to purchase or redeem Quids do so through Cobar Shire Council.

Committee Members The 2023 – 2024 Cobar Business Association Committee

NamePositionContact Details
Sharon HarlandPresidenteditor@cobarweekly.com.au
0417 228 581
Miranda FryVice President

0457 66 923 

Demi SmithSecretaryDemi.Smith@cobar.nsw.gov.au
0409 818 326
Briana CoffeyTreasurerbrianafrancisco@hotmail.com
0438 951 890