(02) 6836 5888



Cobar Shire Council has a range of projects which businesses can submit tenders for.

All tenderers must comply with the NSW Government Code of Practice for the Construction Industry.

Tender documents may be obtained by visiting www.tenderlink.com/cobar or www.vendorpanel.com.au/cobar/tenders

The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and the canvassing of any Councillors will automatically disqualify the tenderer.

Current Tenders

For all current tenders please go to www.tenderlink.com/cobar or www.vendorpanel.com.au/cobar/tenders 

Business Ethics Policy

The Statement of Business Ethics is a means of providing guidance regarding the standards of ethical behaviour that organisations, service providers, small businesses and individuals can expect from Councillors and members of staff, and that are expected of them, in their dealings with Council. 

Procurement Policy

Cobar Shire Council is committed to providing best value in the services it provides to the community. An important element in achieving this is the responsible procurement of goods, services or works. 

Contracts Register

Cobar Shire Council’s Contracts Register contains a summary of current contracts between Cobar Shire Council and private sector contractors.

In accordance with Section 27 of the Government Information (Public Access ) Act 2009 (GIPA), Council is required to maintain a register that records information about contracts entered into with the private sector bodies which have (or are likely to have) a value of $150,000 or more.

This requirement however, does not apply to contracts entered into by Councils before commencement of the GIPA Act on 1 July 2010.

The Act provides for three different classes of contracts, each with different information disclosure requirements.

Class 1 – Contracts that have, or are likely to have a value of $150,000 or more.

Class 2 – Are class 1 contracts where:

There has not been a public tender process and the terms and conditions of the contract have been negotiated directly with the contractor, or

  • The contract went to tender (public or not) but the terms and conditions have been substantially negotiated with the contractor.
  • The obligation is for one or more parties to maintain or operate the infrastructure or asset
  • Could continue for 10 years or more, and the contract involves a privately financed project or the exchange of significant assets.

Class 3 – If a class 2 has a value or likely to have a value of more than $5 million, it becomes a class 3 contract. Agencies must publish a copy of class 3 contract on the register of government contracts.

Council’s current Contracts Register can be viewed by accessing the link below. If you requires any further information please contact Council’s Administration Office on (02) 6836 5888.