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Mayor’s Report

Monday 21 October 2024

It has been a very busy first four weeks of the new sitting council with our first meeting, first workshop, and councillors receiving valuable governance training.

I am very proud to be voted back in as Mayor along with Deputy Mayor Clr Michael Prince. We have a very dynamic new council with a great variety of knowledge and skills that I think will only benefit Cobar Shire going forward.

It exciting and not a little bit overdue that we have all licenses and approvals now in place for the new child care centre, with a moving date of October 28th now set. Official opening to be advised once we get confirmation of availability of invited guests.

With the initial on boarding process now completed, we now move on to knuckling down to a lot of hard work that is required in order to ensure we are continuing the good work of previous councils and improve our Shire for our residents.

High on the agenda is power and water. Without increases in these 2 key fundamental areas, Cobar cannot grow.

In the next few weeks I have a meeting of the Far North West Joint Organisation of councils in Bourke, I will be attending the Country Mayors AGM at parliament house in Sydney at which time I will also be attending a meeting of the mines and energy related councils.(MERC).

I would encourage all residents to please be sun smart as the weather warms up and keep an eye out for those slithering friends who will be more and more active as we get into summer.

Kind Regards,

Jarrod Marsden