(02) 6836 5888

Swimming Pools

Pool (3)

On 29 October 2012, the Swimming Pools (Amendment) Act 2012 commenced and made a number of amendments to the Swimming Pools Act 1992. Information is provided below regarding the impact of these legislative amendments for pool owners.

Swimming pool owners are required to register their swimming pools on an online register provided by the NSW State Government. This register is available and can be accessed on www.swimmingpoolregister.nsw.gov.au

  • Swimming pool owners will be required to self-assess and state in the register that to the best of their knowledge, their swimming pool complies with the applicable standard when registering their pool. Refer to the swimming pool checklist here.
  • There is a penalty for owners who fail to register a swimming pool (penalty notice amount of $220).
  • Since 29 April 2014, swimming pool owners are required to provide a valid swimming pool compliance certificate before being able to sell or lease a property with a pool. You can access a copy of the application form under the Planning and Compliance tab here.
  • Accredited certifiers under the Building Professional Act 2005 may conduct swimming pool inspections initiated by the pool owner.

If you have any concerns about your pool safety or require assistance with the on-line registration please contact the Executive Assistant Planning and Environmental Services during office hours at Council’s Administration Building on 02 6836 5888. 

Swimming Pool Information

Backyard Swimming Pool Safety

Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death in very young children in Australia. Supervision is always the first line of protection however swimming pool safety fencing provides an important level of added protection to ensure that children cannot gain access to the swimming pool area. It is therefore imperative that a swimming pool safety barrier is compliant with the relevant standards and effectively maintained at all times.In NSW, private or ‘backyard’ swimming pool safety is legislated by the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (the Act) and the Swimming Pools Regulation 2008(the Regulation). The Regulation requires that swimming pool safety barriers comply with the requirements of Australian Standard 1926.1 a copy of this standard and the Building Code of Australia are available to view at Council’s administration building.

Owner’s Responsibility

The Act requires the owner of premises on which a swimming pool is located to ensure that the swimming pool is at all times surrounded by a child-resistant barrier.

Occupiers Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the occupier to maintain the barrier in a state of good repair, and to ensure that all gates providing access to the swimming pool are kept securely closed and latched at all times when not in actual use. The Act also requires the occupier to display a warning notice in the immediate vicinity of the swimming pool, detailing resuscitation techniques together with a supervision warning. These notices are available to purchase at Council’s Administration Building. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines are available at www.resus.org.au

How to Check your Swimming Pool Barrier

A ‘Home Swimming Pool Safety Checklist’ can be downloaded from the link below. Council encourages you to carry out a check of the barrier surrounding your swimming pool by completing the checklist. Should you answer ‘no’ to any of questions of the checklist you should address the non-compliance as a matter of urgency.

At your request, Council staff can conduct an inspection to determine whether your pool meets the requirements of the Act. Council can grant you a certificate of compliance (cost is according to Council’s Fees & Charges) if your swimming pool complies with the requirements of the Act. If your pool does not comply, then Council staff will advise you of the steps you need to take so that it does comply.

In addition to the inspections requested by swimming pool owners, Council staff undertake random inspections of registered swimming pools within the Shire to audit them for compliance with the relevant standards. 

There’s NO Substitute for Supervision

While fencing may assist in reducing drowning’s in backyard pools, the most effective way to prevent drowning or near-drowning is for children to be adequately supervised by a parent or other responsible adult. Children should also be taught to swim from an early age and adults should undertake training in resuscitation techniques for use in an emergency situation.

Self Assessment Checklists for your swimming pool are available to help you with any safety or compliance questions you may have.

For further information you may contact Council’s Planning and Environmental Services Department on (02) 6836 5888. Important information relating to backyard swimming pools can also be found on the Division of Local Governments website at http://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/ 

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