(02) 6836 5888

Lilliane Brady Village Vacancies

Council has an obligation to protect the privacy of site users. This statement describes what information is collected, and why.

Thank you for visiting the Cobar Shire Council Online site (http://www.cobar.nsw.gov.au) and reviewing our privacy statement, provided in accordance with the Guidelines for Government Websites issued by the Australian Privacy Commissioner.

Cobar Shire Council respects and protects the privacy of users. This statement tells you how we collect information and how we use it.

Statistical information

If you visit the Cobar Shire Council Online site to read or download information, the following information will be recorded for statistical purposes:

  • Your server’s address.
  • The name of the top-level domain from which you access the Internet (for example, .gov, .com, .edu, .org, .au, .nz etc).
  • The type of browser you use.
  • The date and time you accessed our site.
  • The pages you accessed and the documents downloaded.
  • The previous Internet address from which you linked directly to our site.
  • The Internet address to which you link directly from our site.

The above information is used to create summary statistics which allow us to assess the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, discover what information is most and least used, determine technical design specifications, and help us make our site more useful to visitors.

A cookie is a piece of information that an Internet web site sends to your browser when you access information at that site. The Cobar Shire Council Online site does not use cookies on any public areas of the site. For more information about Cookies and their use, please see the Cookies section on the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner site.
Contacting the Cobar Shire Council online by email

The Cobar Shire Council will only record your e-mail address if you choose to send us a message. It will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. We will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose, and will not disclose it without your consent.

Links to other sites
This site contains links to other sites. Cobar Shire Council is not responsible for the privacy practice or the content of such websites.