On the 1 July 2017 the Noxious Weed Act 1993 was repealed and replaced with the Biosecurity Act 2015 (Act).
Biosecurity protects the economy, environment and community from the negative impacts of pests, diseases and weeds. As such, it is vital for the health, wellbeing and prosperity of the state. The Western Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan focuses on managing weeds to improve the region’s biosecurity. Our vision is to protect the Western region’s environment, landscape, livelihood, cultural and lifestyle values from weeds by strengthening the sustainability of the natural environment, primary industries, and local communities in the region.
Local Councils are still responsible for enforcing weed legislation. This includes activities such as:
Prohibited Matter
Biosecurity matter listed in Schedule 2, Part 1 of the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 for the purpose of preventing entry of that matter into NSW or a part of NSW. Prohibited matter relevant to the region is listed in Appendix A1.1 of this plan. Prohibited matter includes weeds nationally targeted for eradication and presently not in NSW.
Control Order
Establishes one or more control zones and related measures to prevent, eliminate, minimise or manage a biosecurity risk or impact. Control orders are for managing weeds under approved eradication programs and last for five years (or can be renewed for longer-term eradication programs). Weed Control Order 2017 (Part 6 Division 1) under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 will include weeds that are subject to a Control Order for the purpose of eradication. Further Control Orders will be proposed as needed to address subsequent eradication campaigns.
Biosecurity Zone
Aims at containment of a species and provides for ongoing strategic management in a defined area of the state. A Biosecurity Zone specifies the measures that must be taken in the defined area to manage the weed. Outcomes to demonstrate compliance with the GBD may also apply to the species either within the zone or outside it.
Mandatory Measures Regulation
Requires parties to take specific actions with respect to weeds or carriers of weeds. Mandatory Measures are defined in the regulations and include prohibition on certain dealings – including Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) (Division 8 Clause 33), Parthenium weed carriers – machinery and equipment (Division 8 Clause 35), and duty to notify of importation of plants into the state (Division 8 Clause 34). Mandatory measures relevant to the region are listed in Appendix 1.
General Biosecurity Duty (GBD)
The purpose of the GBD is to manage the spread and/or impact of all weeds that pose a biosecurity risk (2.3.1 above provides more detail). The GBD is in addition to any requirements included in a Control Order, Biosecurity Zone or other instrument made under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015. For priority weeds, outcomes to demonstrate compliance with the GBD are detailed in Appendix 1 of this plan.
Note: This region includes the local council areas of Balranald, Bogan (upper), Bourke, Brewarrina, Broken Hill, Carrathool (upper), Central Darling, Cobar, Hay (upper), Unincorporated and Wentworth.
Weed Common Name & Botanical Name | Duty |
All plants | General Biosecurity Duty All plants are regulated with a general biosecurity duty to prevent, eliminate or minimise any biosecurity risk they may pose. Any person who deals with any plant, who knows (or ought to know) of any biosecurity risk, has a duty to ensure the risk is prevented, eliminated or minimised, so far as is reasonably practicable. |
African boxthorn | Mandatory Measure |
Lycium ferocissimum | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
African boxthorn | Regional Recommended Measure |
Lycium ferocissimum | Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Alligator weed | Mandatory Measure |
Alternanthera philoxeroides | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Alligator weed | Biosecurity Zone |
Alternanthera philoxeroides | The Alligator Weed Biosecurity Zone is established for all land within the state except land in the following regions: Greater Sydney; Hunter (but only in the local government areas of City of Lake Macquarie, City of Maitland, City of Newcastle or Port Stephens) Within the Biosecurity Zone this weed must be eradicated where practicable, or as much of the weed destroyed as practicable, and any remaining weed suppressed. The local control authority must be notified of any new infestations of this weed within the Biosecurity Zone |
Anchored water hyacinth | Prohibited Matter |
Eichhornia azurea | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Arrowhead | Regional Recommended Measure |
Sagittaria calycina var. calycina | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Notify local control authority if found. |
Athel pine | Mandatory Measure |
Tamarix aphylla | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Bellyache bush | Mandatory Measure |
Jatropha gossypiifolia | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Bitou bush | Mandatory Measure |
Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Bitou bush | Biosecurity Zone |
Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. rotundata | The Bitou Bush Biosecurity Zone is established for all land within the State except land within 10 kilometres of the mean high water mark of the Pacific Ocean between Cape Byron in the north and Point Perpendicular in the south. Within the Biosecurity Zone this weed must be eradicated where practicable, or as much of the weed destroyed as practicable, and any remaining weed suppressed. The local control authority must be notified of any new infestations of this weed within the Biosecurity Zone |
Black knapweed | Prohibited Matter |
Centaurea X moncktonii | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Black willow | Mandatory Measure |
Salix nigra | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Blackberry | Mandatory Measure |
Rubus fruticosus species aggregate | Must not be imported into the State or sold All species in the Rubus fruiticosus species aggregate have this requirement, except for the varietals Black Satin, Chehalem, Chester Thornless, Dirksen Thornless, Loch Ness, Murrindindi, Silvan, Smooth Stem, and Thornfree |
Boneseed | Mandatory Measure |
Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Boneseed | Control Order |
Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera | Bonseed Control Zone: Whole of NSW Boneseed Control Zone (Whole of NSW): Owners and occupiers of land on which there is boneseed must notify the local control authority of new infestations; immediately destroy the plants; ensure subsequent generations are destroyed; and ensure the land is kept free of the plant. A person who deals with a carrier of boneseed must ensure the plant (and any seed and propagules) is not moved from the land; and immediately notify the local control authority of the presence of the plant. |
Boxing glove cactus | Mandatory Measure |
Cylindropuntia fulgida var. mamillata | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Boxing glove cactus | Regional Recommended Measure |
Cylindropuntia fulgida var. mamillata | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Notify local control authority if found. |
Bridal creeper | Mandatory Measure |
Asparagus asparagoides | Must not be imported into the State or sold *this requirement also applies to the Western Cape form of bridal creeper |
Bridal creeper | Regional Recommended Measure |
Asparagus asparagoides | Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Bridal veil creeper | Prohibited Matter |
Asparagus declinatus | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Broomrapes | Prohibited Matter |
Orobanche species | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries All species of Orobanche are Prohibited Matter in NSW, except the natives Orobanche cernua var. australiana and Orobanche minor |
Burr ragweed | Regional Recommended Measure |
Ambrosia confertiflora | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. The plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment. Notify local control authority if found. |
Cabomba | Mandatory Measure |
Cabomba caroliniana | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Cane cactus | Mandatory Measure |
Austrocylindropuntia cylindrica | Must not be imported into the State or sold All species in the Austrocylindropuntia genus have this requirement |
Cape broom | Mandatory Measure |
Genista monspessulana | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Cat’s claw creeper | Mandatory Measure |
Dolichandra unguis-cati | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Chilean needle grass | Mandatory Measure |
Nassella neesiana | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Climbing asparagus | Mandatory Measure |
Asparagus africanus | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Climbing asparagus fern | Mandatory Measure |
Asparagus plumosus | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Clockweed | Regional Recommended Measure |
Oenothera curtiflora | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. The plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment. Notify local control authority if found. |
Common pear | Mandatory Measure |
Opuntia stricta | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Common pear | Regional Recommended Measure |
Opuntia stricta | Grazing, conservation and urban areas Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. *This Regional Recommended Measure applies to all species of Opuntia except for Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig) |
Coolatai grass | Regional Recommended Measure |
Hyparrhenia hirta | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. The plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment. Notify local control authority if found. |
Eurasian water milfoil | Prohibited Matter |
Myriophyllum spicatum | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Fireweed | Mandatory Measure |
Senecio madagascariensis | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Flax-leaf broom | Mandatory Measure |
Genista linifolia | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Frogbit | Prohibited Matter |
Limnobium laevigatum | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries All species of Limnobium are Prohibited Matter |
Gamba grass | Prohibited Matter |
Andropogon gayanus | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Giant reed | Regional Recommended Measure |
Arundo donax | Exclusion zone: whole region except for the core infestation area of Wentworth Shire Council Whole region: Land managers should mitigate the risk of the plant being introduced to their land. The plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment. Exclusion zone: The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Core infestation area: Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Gorse | Mandatory Measure |
Ulex europaeus | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Grey sallow | Mandatory Measure |
Salix cinerea | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Ground asparagus | Mandatory Measure |
Asparagus aethiopicus | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Harrisia cactus | Regional Recommended Measure |
Harrisia species | Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. The plant or parts of the plant should not be traded, carried, grown or released into the environment. This Regional Recommended Measure applies to Harrisia martinii |
Hawkweeds | Prohibited Matter |
Hieracium species | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries All species in the genus Hieracium are Prohibited Matter |
Hudson pear | Mandatory Measure |
Cylindropuntia rosea | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Hudson pear | Regional Recommended Measure |
Cylindropuntia rosea | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Notify local control authority if found. |
Hydrocotyl | Prohibited Matter |
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Hymenachne | Mandatory Measure |
Hymenachne amplexicaulis and hybrids | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Indian fig | Regional Recommended Measure |
Opuntia ficus-indica | Grazing, conservation and urban areas Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Karroo thorn | Prohibited Matter |
Vachellia karroo | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Kochia | Prohibited Matter |
Bassia scoparia | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries Excluding the subspecies trichophylla |
Koster’s curse | Prohibited Matter |
Clidemia hirta | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Lagarosiphon | Prohibited Matter |
Lagarosiphon major | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Lantana | Mandatory Measure |
Lantana camara | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Madeira vine | Mandatory Measure |
Anredera cordifolia | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Mesquite | Mandatory Measure |
Prosopis species | Must not be imported into the State or sold All species in the genus Prosopis have this requirement |
Mesquite | Regional Recommended Measure |
Prosopis species | Exclusion zone: whole region except for the core infestation area of Evelyn, Yantara, Mootwingee, Yancowinna, Menindee, Tandora, Livingstone and Windeyer counties Whole region: Land managers should mitigate the risk of the plant being introduced to their land. Exclusion zone: The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Core infestation area: Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Mexican feather grass | Prohibited Matter |
Nassella tenuissima | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Miconia | Prohibited Matter |
Miconia species | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries All species of Miconia are Prohibited Matter in NSW |
Mikania vine | Prohibited Matter |
Mikania micrantha | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries *all species in the genus Mikania are Prohibited Matter in NSW |
Mimosa | Prohibited Matter |
Mimosa pigra | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Mother-of-millions | Regional Recommended Measure |
Bryophyllum species | Exclusion zone: whole region except core infestation area of maintained gardens Whole region: Plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment (except in maintained gardens). Exclusion Zone: The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Land managers should mitigate the risk of the plant being introduced to their land. Core infestation: Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. This Regional Recommended Measure also applies to Bryophyllum hybrids |
Parkinsonia | Mandatory Measure |
Parkinsonia aculeata | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Parkinsonia | Control Order |
Parkinsonia aculeata | Parkinsonia Control Zone: Whole of NSW Parkinsonia Control Zone (Whole of NSW): Owners and occupiers of land on which there is parkinsonia must notify the local control authority of new infestations; immediately destroy the plants; ensure subsequent generations are destroyed; and ensure the land is kept free of the plant. A person who deals with a carrier of parkinsonia must ensure the plant (and any seed and propagules) is not moved from the land; and immediately notify the local control authority of the presence of the plant. |
Parthenium weed | Prohibited Matter |
Parthenium hysterophorus | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Parthenium weed | Mandatory Measure |
Parthenium hysterophorus | The following equipment must not be imported into NSW from Queensland: grain harvesters (including the comb or front), comb trailers (including the comb or front), bins used for holding grain during harvest operations, augers or similar for moving grain, vehicles used to transport grain harvesters, support vehicles driven in paddocks during harvest operations, mineral exploration drilling rigs and vehicles used to transport those rigs, unless set out as an exception in Division 5, Part 2 of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 |
Pond apple | Prohibited Matter |
Annona glabra | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Prickly acacia | Prohibited Matter |
Vachellia nilotica | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Prickly pears – Austrocylindropuntias | Mandatory Measure |
Austrocylindropuntia species | Must not be imported into the State or sold All species in the Austrocylindropuntia genus have this requirement |
Prickly pears – Cylindropuntias | Mandatory Measure |
Cylindropuntia species | Must not be imported into the State or sold All species in the Cylindropuntia genus have this requirement |
Prickly pears – Opuntias | Mandatory Measure |
Opuntia species | Must not be imported into the State or sold Except for Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig) |
Prickly pears – Opuntias | Regional Recommended Measure |
Opuntia species | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. This Regional Recommended Measure applies to all species of Opuntia except for Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig) |
Rope pear | Mandatory Measure |
Cylindropuntia imbricata | Must not be imported into the State or sold All species in the Cylindropuntia genus have this requirement |
Rope pear | Regional Recommended Measure |
Cylindropuntia imbricata | Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Rubber vine | Prohibited Matter |
Cryptostegia grandiflora | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Sagittaria | Mandatory Measure |
Sagittaria platyphylla | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Sagittaria | Regional Recommended Measure |
Sagittaria platyphylla | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Notify local control authority if found. |
Salvinia | Mandatory Measure |
Salvinia molesta | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Scotch broom | Mandatory Measure |
Cytisus scoparius subsp. scoparius | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Serrated tussock | Mandatory Measure |
Nassella trichotoma | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Siam weed | Prohibited Matter |
Chromolaena odorata | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Silverleaf nightshade | Mandatory Measure |
Solanum elaeagnifolium | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Silverleaf nightshade | Regional Recommended Measure |
Solanum elaeagnifolium | Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Smooth tree pear | Mandatory Measure |
Opuntia monacantha | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Smooth tree pear | Regional Recommended Measure |
Opuntia monacantha | Grazing, conservation and urban areas Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. *This Regional Recommended Measure applies to all species of Opuntia except for Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig) |
Snakefeather | Mandatory Measure |
Asparagus scandens | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Spiny burrgrass – longispinus | Regional Recommended Measure |
Cenchrus longispinus | Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. Plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment. |
Spiny burrgrass – spinifex | Regional Recommended Measure |
Cenchrus spinifex | Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. Plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment. |
Spongeplant | Prohibited Matter |
Limnobium spongia | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries All species of Limnobium are Prohibited Matter |
Spotted knapweed | Prohibited Matter |
Centaurea stoebe subsp. micranthos | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries |
Tiger pear | Mandatory Measure |
Opuntia aurantiaca | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Tiger pear | Regional Recommended Measure |
Opuntia aurantiaca | Grazing, conservation and urban areas Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. |
Tropical soda apple | Control Order |
Solanum viarum | Tropical Soda Apple Control Zone: Whole of NSW Tropical Soda Apple Control Zone (Whole of NSW): Owners and occupiers of land on which there is tropical soda apple must notify the local control authority of new infestations; destroy the plants including the fruit; ensure subsequent generations are destroyed; and ensure the land is kept free of the plant. A person who deals with a carrier of tropical soda apple must ensure the plant (and any seed and propagules) is not moved from the land; and immediately notify the local control authority of the presence of the plant on the land, or on or in a carrier. |
Velvety tree pear | Mandatory Measure |
Opuntia tomentosa | Must not be imported into the State or sold |
Velvety tree pear | Regional Recommended Measure |
Opuntia tomentosa | Grazing, conservation and urban areas Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. Land managers should mitigate spread from their land. This Regional Recommended Measure applies to all species of Opuntia except for Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig) |
Water caltrop | Prohibited Matter |
Trapa species | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries All species in the Trapa genus are Prohibited Matter in NSW |
Water hyacinth | Mandatory Measure |
Eichhornia crassipes | Must not be imported into the State or sold. |
Water hyacinth | Biosecurity Zone |
Eichhornia crassipes | The Water Hyacinth Biosecurity Zone applies to all land within the State, except for the following regions: Greater Sydney or North Coast, North West (but only the local government area of Moree Plains), Hunter (but only in the local government areas of City of Cessnock, City of Lake Macquarie, MidCoast, City of Maitland, City of Newcastle or Port Stephens), South East (but only in the local government areas of Eurobodalla, Kiama, City of Shellharbour, City of Shoalhaven or City of Wollongong). Within the Biosecurity Zone this weed must be eradicated where practicable, or as much of the weed destroyed as practicable, and any remaining weed suppressed. The local control authority must be notified of any new infestations of this weed within the Biosecurity Zone. |
Water hyacinth | Regional Recommended Measure |
Eichhornia crassipes | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. Notify local control authority if found. |
Water soldier | Prohibited Matter |
Stratiotes aloides | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries. |
Willow rhus | Regional Recommended Measure |
Searsia lancea | Land managers should mitigate the risk of new weeds being introduced to their land. The plant should be eradicated from the land and the land kept free of the plant. The plant should not be bought, sold, grown, carried or released into the environment. Notify local control authority if found. |
Willows | Mandatory Measure |
Salix species | Must not be imported into the State or sold All species in the Salix genus have this requirement, except Salix babylonica (weeping willows ), Salix x calodendron (pussy willow) and Salix x reichardtii (sterile pussy willow) |
Witchweeds | Prohibited Matter |
Striga species | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries. All species in the Striga genus are Prohibited Matter in NSW, except the native Striga parviflora |
Yellow burrhead | Prohibited Matter |
Limnocharis flava | A person who deals with prohibited matter or a carrier of prohibited matter is guilty of an offence. A person who becomes aware of or suspects the presence of prohibited matter must immediately notify the Department of Primary Industries. |
Further Information and Resources
There are plenty of sources of information regarding weeds; it can become overwhelming! Here are some useful sources of information to help you learn more about weeds:
Cobar Shire Council – Weed Management Staff
Council Office:
36 Linsley St
(PO Box 223)
Phone: (02) 6836 5888
Fax: (02) 6836 5889
Melissa Gunn – Noxious Weeds Officer
Mobile: 0428 273 578
Email: melissa.gunn@cobar.nsw.gov.au
Local Land Services: Each Local Land Services regional has developed with local knowledge, research and rigorous assessment has developed a 5 year Regional Strategic Weed Manangement Plant to manage weeds.
Western Weeds: Website for the Macquarie Valley Weeds Advisory Committee (MVWAC) and Lachlan Valley Weeds Advisory Committee (LVWAC). These committees cover a combined area of more than 350 000 sq kms, equal to over 40% of NSW.
NSW Department of Primary Industries: New South Wales Government department website with plenty of information about weed management, noxious weed declarations, publications, etc.
Weeds In Australia: A national website resource hosted by the Australian Weeds Committee to promote access to key weed policies, regulations, current issues, national initiatives, research, extension, training and personnel.
The Nursery and Garden Industry NSW & ACT: NGINA website provides an extensive range of information about gardens, gardening, invasive plants, and local nurseries.
Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management: This website is an excellent reference containing a substantial amount of general and technical information regarding weed management including guidelines, research, fact sheets, education and training resources.