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Integrated Planning & Reporting


The Integrated Planning and Reporting framework is a requirement by the New South Wales government. It aims to ensure that councils better reflect community aspirations within their activities undertaken. Integrated planning involves the creation of a Community Strategic Plan which is a community owned document, driven by Council. It is a minimum ten year planning cycle – and in our case we have produced a 13 year plan. From this plan, Council’s ten year, four year and annual plans are developed.

The aim of the new planning model is to ensure that Council’s take a strategic long term approach to their activities and include the planning activities of other levels of government. Council is also required to regularly report to the community on how well their plans are being implemented. It is hoped that the new process will also empower the community to be more involved in decision making. 


Community Engagement Strategy

The Community Engagement Strategy outlines how Council will engage with its community and relevant stakeholders in developing and finalising the Community Strategic Plan. Over time it will be reviewed to outline how Council will ensure regular engagement and discussion with our community about their needs and aspirations for the town. 


Community Strategic Plan

The Community Strategic Plan identifies the long term aspirations for our communities. The Strategic Plan stretches beyond the next ten years, identifying the outcomes and long term strategic responses needed to achieve the agreed directions and meet the community’s values. It demands strong leadership from Council in working with others to grow our Shire into the future. 


Delivery Program

The 4 Year Delivery Program links the ‘planning’ in the long term Strategic Plan with the ‘implementing’ in the Annual Operational Plan. It is the strategic document that guides the organisation’s work program over the Councillor’s four year elected term. The Delivery Program sets out clear priorities, ongoing activities and specific actions Council will undertake, within its responsibilities and capacity, towards achieving the community’s outcomes.

Annual Operational Plan

The Annual Operational Plan is the ‘implementing’ part of Council’s key strategic documents, and outlines all of Council’s services and infrastructure activities and tasks for the year. Both ongoing activities and specific tasks contribute to the implementation of Council’s Delivery Program.

Resource Strategy

The Resource Strategy outlines Council’s capacity to manage assets and deliver services over the next ten years. The Resource Strategy includes three key elements – a Long Term Financial Plan, a Workforce Plan and Asset Management Plans. To prepare the Resource Strategy, Council determines its capacity and how to effectively manage its finances, the sustainability of its workforce, and the overall costs of its community assets.

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

Disability Inclusion Action PlanDIAP – Cover Page 2018 was developed in partnership between the Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Governments. It sets out a national plan for improving life for Australians with disabilities, their families and carers. To prepare the Disability Inclusion Action Plan Council has one vision and one plan. This plan has been completed inconjunction with our Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Annual Operational Plan.

End of Term Report

Cobar Shire Council’s End of Term Report has been prepared under Section 428 and Essential Element 1.10 of the Local Government Act 1993. Council is required to produce a Report every four (4) years at the end of each Council Term. This Report covers the period September 2012 to August 2016. The Report from the outgoing Council should measure the implementation and effectiveness of the Community Strategic Plan, Community Enhancement Strategy, Delivery Program, Resources Strategy and Annual Operational Plan in achieving its community, economic, governance, infrastructure and environmental strategies over the past four years.